Dan writes:
> Hello Barrett,
> I'm a beginning guitarist, and I've been working my way
> through your "Guitar Fretboard Workbook". It is a great
> workbook, and I really like your style of "read it, write
> it, play it" which really helps me learn.
> As you state late in Chapter 22, I've been constructing a
> final project workbook with all sorts of shapes, chords,
> scales, and arpeggios. However I am confused by one item.
> You recommend to make diagrams of 72 triads (12 major, 12
> minor, etc.). I cannot figure out how to come up with 12
> major triad chords. In chapter 14 you show five patterns of
> each triad and then talk about inversions, but I still can't
> figure out how you come up with 12. Did you mean 15? Five
> triad patterns plus five first inversions plus five second
> inversions?
> Please let me know how to come up with a good practice list
> for triads.
> Thanks, Dan
Hi Dan,
The last sentence on page 44 of Chapter 14 says, "We will divide each (triad shape) into four small three-string shapes..."
Here is another way to look at it that I think you'll find helpful.
If you stay on one stringset (a group of adjacent strings), there are three triad voicings. Play this example on the top three strings for D major.
Those are, in order, 2nd inversion, root position, and 1st inversion.
On the next string set, the same D major triad goes like this:
Those are 1st inversion, 2nd inversion, root position.
Following this systematic exhaustion we have 4 possible sets of adjacent strings: 321 432 543 654. Multiply that 4 by the 3 inversions on each stringset and you get 12 close-voiced triads.
Here are the major triads on the other two stringsets.
The list does not yet include any open-voiced triads like this, which would greatly increase the number of permutations:
Some of the inversions are shared by two root shape/pattern numbers. For example, this voicing is shared by Pattern 2 and Pattern 3.
Thanks for your mail, and congratulations on finishing the book.
All the best,

Saturday, October 10, 2009
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Barrett Tagliarino

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